I’ve lost my mind and I don’t remember where I had it last.

The paper scraps have been handled, all is well on that front.

I’ve been trying to get my rubber stamps organized and into some kind of format so I will know exactly what I have.  Drawers have been emptied of the Stampin’ Up! plastic boxes.  All the wood blocks have been removed.  Those rubber stamps have been put in large 3-ring binders.

Unmounted stamps placed in binders

I’ve organized my Jet Storage drawers that are in the closet.  Scrap pieces of paper  have been used in the label area of the drawers.

Jet Storage cubes in my closet.

Paper scraps used as labels.

I have some number stickers that have been in a drawer since 2003.  Those have been used to mark the drawer numbers.

Number stickers used to mark the drawers.

My odd assortment of rubber stamps have been acquired over the years in a “Willy Nilly” fashion.  No rhyme nor reason as to why, or what, I’ve purchased.  The first drawer holds my large block stamps.  Since I don’t have a lot of them and use them infrequently I’m leaving them on the blocks.

Drawer #1

The second drawer has an assortment of medium and small wood mounted stamps that I seldom use.

Drawer #2

The first of the smaller drawers holds my Stampin’ Up! rubber that came in the DVD/CD holders.  There is no true method to the storage of these stamps.  Just chucked in the amount that would fit and move on to the next drawers.  In the back area of the drawer are my small stash of “Wheel” stamps.

Drawer #3

The next drawer holds more Stampin’ Up! rubber along with some small stamps I purchased many years ago while in Wichita, Kansas visiting a scrapbook store there on our way to see one of our sons.

Drawer #4

The next drawer holds more Stampin’ Up! rubber along with three alpha sets that I just had to have.  One of those purchases in my early days of gathering stuff for my craft room with every intention of using but have not.

Drawer #5

The final drawer holds my last, and final, Stampin’ Up! rubber set.  I have some Tim Holtz, Hampton Arts, Studio G, and I don’t remember what else are in this drawer.

Drawer #6

Initially, I was pretty pleased with getting all of my rubber stamps catalogued on the 4″ x 6″ index cards and placed in the recipe box.  Trouble was I still have no idea what I have.  I mean with all of the images and sentiments how would I find the right image for a card?!

The recipe box with my stamp catalogue

I mean, REALLY?!  Look at the mess I’ve made for myself!

Index stamp images

So after all that initial work I am sorting through all the cards to pick out images and sentiments that go together.  These are then stamped onto photocopy paper in some kind of an order.  At least all the Christmas stuff is together in a group, as is the floral images, and the birthday stamps.

Categorizing the stamps

This will, eventually, be my master list.  Plus this will also work as my documentation for insurance purposes.  These papers will be scanned into my computer then saved to disk and put somewhere safe.  Living in “Tornado Alley” as we do, and usually being in the opposite part of the US during those storms I will have a way of showing what I have lost in the event of a tragedy.

I’ve also been hard at work on my “Day Job” paperwork.  I’m not exactly sure when Joe and I will be leaving once again for weeks at a time and I need to get this data entry crap done for our taxes this year.  I hate this job so much that I have devised a workable schedule of 4 hours daily to this task.  I am happy to say that I have finished all of the data entry that I can for now.  Just waiting for the bank statements to arrive in the mail to complete this task.

Bookwork for the business

Bookwork for the business

Joe has had numerous doctor appointments during the past two weeks.  We had a bit of a scare a couple weeks back.  The pinky and ring fingers of both of his hands have been tingling and numb for quite some time.  MRI, CT Scans, and X-Rays have filled our weeks since we’ve been home.

Joe’s spinal cord is being pinched in his neck and at shoulder level.  The pinched spinal cord is causing the numbness and tingling in his hands.  It is also some of the cause of some weakness in his legs as well.  A new doctor, a Neurologist (another “Ologist” added to Joe’s team of medical professionals) first thought surgery would be needed to correct the pinched spinal cord.  After the most recent visit with the Neurologist it has been suggested to just wait and see what happens.  Another round of MRI, CT Scans, and X-Rays will be done in February to see if there is any further damage.

IF things get worse then Joe will need to go in for surgery.  With the Warfarin he is on the Neurologist has said Joe will be in the hospital for several days before the surgery to make sure there will not be any complications afterwards.  Complications can be leaving Joe paralyzed from the neck down if a blood clot takes up residence in the spinal column after the surgery.

Joe was given some hopeful news that this pinched spinal cord might just right itself on its own as long as he doesn’t go about like Superman.  Good luck with THAT!

So, I don’t know how long I will be home this time.  Possibly through the month of December so I am taking advantage of the time to get some order to my chaos.

Next on the agenda is to get my house cleaned.  It is making me crazy.  I will be taking the 4 hours used in the paperwork time table and do some deep cleaning in each of the rooms of our house.  Starting with our bedroom closet!  That place is a wreck.  Clothes and shoes that have not been worn in many years are going to be sorted through and donated or trashed.  The intent is to not only have a clean closet but to get the boxes out of the living room that we take with us on the road.

I am attempting to stay caught up on this blog, as well as read everything my friends have posted.  I’m a bit overwhelmed right now and under some pressure.  I will get to you all….I promise.

Are you organizing your spaces?  What do you do when you have an area to get control over?  I’d like to know.


4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. gardenpinks
    Dec 07, 2012 @ 16:57:32

    Oh my word Leslie I peeked into the medium and small stamp drawer and there are two face stamps that are so beautiful 🙂 All sorts of ideas flashed across my poor brain cell it nearly overloaded LOL.
    You have certainly set yourself one heck of a task going through that lot that I am not surprised you have mislaid your mind – possibly in drawer number two shrieking to be let out 😀
    Ouch poor Joe and a trapped nerve – that is very similar to sciatica which is the nerve in the small of the back which periodically gives me a great deal of pain as it travels across my bum and down the thigh right to the end of my toes sometimes. Rod also has spells of sciatica. It is very possible that the trapped nerve will gradually release itself if Joe does as he is told, far better to take life easier than have surgery which could possibly cause further complications.
    Well done on getting to grips with the dreaded paperwork! As far as clearing out areas – I am one of those very boring people who go in with several large bags and methodically work through an area until it is completed and I am quite ruthless too. I ask myself this question as I take each item out – when was the last time I used/wore this? If I can’t remember and it has no sentimental value then out it goes! We have a few bags of clothes that have been ruthlessly culled from our wardrobe which are going to charity shops and the worn out stuff is put in the refuse bin. It is such a satisfaction to do a regular purge and get hold of life again instead of letting ‘things’ take over 🙂
    Love and hugs
    Lynn xx
    PS Did you get my email? xxxx


    • Message In A Fold
      Dec 09, 2012 @ 08:05:21

      Leave it to me to pick a project that is too big for an unreasonable time frame. Since I wont’ be home for my usual winter hiatus of several months the pressure I’ve put upon myself is great and things fall apart. Leaving Joe to go out by himself for a few months, alone, is not something I’m quite willing to do. Especially now that he is having so many health issues.

      I wish the numbness in his hands were a pinched nerve. We both saw the MRI films and the vertebra in his neck at the collar bone junction are pressing in on the spinal cord. The spinal fluid is being slowed at that area. With his Warfarin dosage requirements for one full year is worrisome to the Neurosurgeon and the dire consequences an early surgery would result in him being paralyzed from the neck down. I’m not making sense here but the upshot of it all is that Joe can’t be left to his own devices. Fall off one of the trucks he is getting ready to move, bang his head in the fall and he would be left out there for hours, maybe even days, before someone would come and find him. I can’t take that chance.

      The closet cleaning is going to be one of your “ruthless” duties. The clothes hanging have not been worn, nor taken from the hangers, in years. That space has become the “chuck and run” spot. Worst part is our water heater is in that closet. There is no way to get to it should it fail right now.

      I can totally relate to your sciatica issues. I have that as well and have to do daily bends and leg stretches to keep the muscles from tightening up around the nerve. That hurts like all billy hell when it acts up. No sleeping, no walking, no sitting, no nothing. There is not one single comfortable position to be in to ease that pain. Not even a hot soaking bath takes it away. I’m so sorry that both you and Rod endure that pain. I’m a big wussy. Had it once, found out muscle relaxants don’t work well. Now when I get an aching twinge I get on the floor on my left side, extend my leg out in front of me to waist level, turn my toes down to the floor and begin raising and lowering my leg. That hurts so stinking bad 10 reps are pure torture. Not just from my bad muscle tone either. A couple days of that, along with some deep knee bends, holding onto a counter top or chair for balance helps to make the pain go away. So I can totally relate to how badly the two of you hurt.

      Yes, please forgive me, I did get your email and I thank you for that blog post. There are some fantastic ideas on using scraps for cards that I really want to try…and will by the middle of next week. My goal anyway 😀

      Love you – Leslie


  2. Tracy :)
    Dec 15, 2012 @ 00:21:22

    All my best to Joe.
    You have been busy. I so get you on doing the paper work, not my favourite thing to do either, but owning our own businesses its something that need to get done.
    As for cleaning. When it get real bad, I do a room every 15 minutes.
    Then I tackle a room a week. Deep clean something everyday in that one room.
    As for the closets..i go big…empty that sucker out and only put back what you love and what fits…get rid of everything else 😉


    • Message In A Fold
      Dec 15, 2012 @ 06:55:18

      I use to “poo poo” the 15 minute thing. How much can you actually get done in 15 minutes?! The surprising part is A LOT can be done in that short amount of time, as you know, and it leaves a person free to do other things.

      I’ve read your daily happenings and can understand your bookwork and month end reports. Doesn’t it make you look askance at those who say “Owing your own business is so easy!” Yep, it is easy alright. You just have to spend most of your time working and less of your time playing. No weekends off from work like everyone else gets 😉

      Love – Leslie


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