30 + Pounds Lost and a job abandoned.

The only thing I am going to say about the abandoned job is that I took the initiative in a situation and trod on some Corporate person’s toes.  I got reprimanded by the Corporate Office, instead of the Personnel Office at the store, and…..let’s just say that I had to leave before my mouth overloaded my a$$.

My Zodiac sign is “Leo”.  Need I say more?

I’m too old (61 today), to put up with insecure youngsters.

When I started the job I weighed in at a whopping 232 pounds.  Today, I weigh 212.4.  That job did me good while I was there.  It got me moving and it allowed me to interact with, and enjoy, the many people I worked with.

Try as I might, I just could not get into my craft room over the past six months – or more.  Hurt too much, not enough time to start much of anything before I fell asleep, and my all around feeling was just too much pressure to perform.

I received an email from a YouTube subscriber letting me know that she and her daughter are starting to scrapbook — on July 17th.

This mother asked me some questions about heat embossing.

  • What is the name of the embossing powder I used?
  • If she asks for embossing powder at the craft store will they know what it is?
  • Is is possible to craft on a tight budget?

I think I know which video she is referencing.  This got me to thinking about doing a series of videos on heat embossing.

  • What are the differences in embossing powders?
  • Will just any old embossing powder work?
  • Won’t I use all the powder right away in those little jars?
  • How can I craft on a tight budget?
  • What will I have to buy?

I’m finally going to get back into my room.  Mojo or not, I have a purpose now.  Someone needs my  help and I am ready to take up the challenge.

See you all soon.
