I have been obsessed!

Can you tell?

I've been making beaded charms

I’ve been making beaded charms

Over the past five days I have been diligently working in my craft room making these charms.  It has been ca-ray-zee!

The small amount I had started making, last week, was not going to be near enough for the 10 purse charms I will be making as Christmas gifts for the girls and women in my family.  So I made a trip to Wal-Mart and scored on packs of beads.  I then had to go back to Hobby Lobby – TWICE – for more head pins and jump rings.

While Joe was home…he has gone back to the truck driving job for a while….when I mentioned I needed to go to the store he would ask “Hobby Lobby?!”  Yes folks, I have been a bit obsessed of late.

I have some Alpha Beads in my stash.  These have been hanging around for several years.  I figured it was time to put them to use.  I’m putting names on each of the purse charms.  Before you think I’m such a wonderful and thoughtful person….it is mostly so that I REMEMBER which one goes to whom :/.  Also, so that I can quickly see who I have missed.

Alpha Beads - Keri

Alpha Beads – Keri

Alpha beads - Pati

Alpha beads – Pati

I have found that if I keep the letters on the same side of the chain they lay better.

Lays better if mounted on the same side

Lays better if mounted on the same side

Tomorrow I will be getting the purse charms made.  I think I will be posting the results daily instead of being gone for another week.

Are you thinking about Christmas presents yet?  Seems crazy to be thinking about that when Halloween isn’t even here :/


Results of my first foray into making purse charms.

My first purse charm

My first purse charm

It is unbalanced.  Well, that is how things go when you attempt something for the first time.  All the flaws and problems make themselves known.  That is all part of the learning process.  {I’ll keep telling myself this}

The products I have used to make this purse charm follows in this post.  All of the things you will see in this post were purchased from Michaels.  Some recently and some a long time ago.

I found some large Lobster Clasps from Michaels.  This purchase was made just a few days ago.  This comes in a set of four.

Lobster clasps

Lobster clasps

Silver Plated Chain.  This item was purchased from Michaels several years ago….probably more than three years.  It is one of the crazy “toss in the basket” choices that I had no clue what I was going to ever do with once I got it home.  It was chucked in a drawer and buried under lots of other stuff.

Silver plated chain

Silver plated chain

The only explanation I have for this next purchase from Michaels is the cost was $.90.  LESS THAN A DOLLAR.  Oh, and it was shiny :/  I seem to be an ostrich.  If it is shiny I have to grab it :/  This purchase was well over a year ago.  Michaels had built a new store in my area and they were doing everything they could to eliminate moving older stock to their new store.  Everything was on crazy discounts.

It was shiny and  CHEAP

It was shiny and CHEAP

One of the charms I messed with.  Alcohol ink works really great on this cheap metal.  Once I had the color scheme made (only because my alcohol ink choices are limited) I used Glossy Accents over the dried ink in an attempt to save my work.  Don’t know how long this is going to last.

Alcohol ink painted charm

Alcohol ink painted charm

I attached the Lobster Clasp to the end of a length of the silver chain with a jump ring.

Attach Lobster Claps to chain

Attach Lobster Clasp to chain

With my wire cutters I cut the chain to a 4″ length.  Why 4 inches?  Only because many of the videos I watched on making purse charms called for that length.  So….other people are the experts and who am I to question them?

4 inch length of chain

4 inch length of chain

I attached the flower charm to the bottom link of the chain.  So far so good.

Attach charm to bottom of chain

Attach charm to bottom of chain

Now come the hard part.  Attaching the individual bead charms to the links of the chain.  My left index finger is quite sore from working with the jump rings.  A CAUTIONARY NOTE:  Find the CENTER of your chain to add a large charm that is not beads.  I just stuck the silver charm on the chain and that is part of the reason the whole thing looks unbalanced.

You will need to put the bead charms on each side of the chain.  This is quite tricky since I had to pick the whole thing up to add the charm then fiddle with it in closing the jump ring.  Getting all the beaded charms to lay out flat was like chasing a bunch of kindergarten children on a play ground.

Place charms on both sides of the chain

Place charms on both sides of the chain

All I have to say for myself is that it does attach to a purse.  Not the most spectacular and awe inspiring piece I have ever seen.

Attach to purse

Attach to purse

I think I needed more of the larger glass beads and less of the small bead strings to make this thing pop.  I do know that the next one I will find the center to place the non beaded charm to hang better.

If you have never made “jewelry” before I can tell you one of your fingers will be sore and tender from working the jump rings.  Your eyes will give you fits in focusing.  Trying to see that teeny tiny space to close on the jump rings will make you think you are damaging your eyes forever.  After you have hung the sixth charm on that crazy chain you will wonder at your sanity for even starting this project in the first place.  Keep plugging along until you have finished one project.

I hope that I have inspired you to give this a shot.


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